growing up, krystal was always in her sister's shadow. when she was younger it was because she didn't know any better, wanting to always tag along and be a part of whatever she was doing no matter how annoying she could be. then, as she got older and learned about how people would be treating them due to their half-veela status (mostly due to her sister's struggles, she kept to herself mostly) she stuck close to make sure that jessica got along okay. because of this, she didn't make too many friends of her own growing up. she had people who she'd visit with every once in awhile, but she usually chose to stick with her sister or to simply stay home. the only exception to this was the team she happened to be playing for at the time; usually it was some sort of contact sport then they'd let her play, like lacrosse, soccer, football etc. as she got older she switched from contact sports into figure skating, and fell in love with it. she would pursue skating until her mother decided that staying in the states wasn't in the cards for them, and instead they were sent to a magic school in Korea. krystal hated this at first, but she eventually warmed up to it once her use of the language got better (she still prefers English) and she discovered quidditch. also, learning about magic was way cooler than school back home.
krystal was nervous to start at sma because of what she called "the weird sorting thing" and all the stigma that came with being sorted into a certain House. it came as a huge relief when she was sorted into Ravenclaw, the same house her sister resided in. she passed by under the radar until she got the courage to try out for the quidditch team, securing her position as seeker quite easily. after that, most of her time was split between practice and games, keeping her grades as high as she could bear to study for, and hanging out with the few friends (and her sister) that she actually made.